Service  of building infrastructure

Why you should know a technical condition of your building

Do you own a property or are you it administrator? You may don’t know that you must have a valid overview of the building infrastructure, in an event of inspection. Penalties for its lack will cost you a lot.

Polish law is clearly defined in the Construction Law (Journal of Laws 1974 No. 89 poz. 414), which types of real estate are subject to the given rules and defines the obligations of the owners or managers in the matter of taking care of a technical condition of the building. According to Article 61 of this Act, the building should be used according to its purpose, meeting the requirements for environmental protection. In addition, you should take care of a regular service of the building’s infrastructure and its appearance.

An overview of the building’s infrastructure is nothing more than checking technical conditions of a given facility. It should be done at least once every 12 months. It’s part is checking the efficiency of building elements and installations, which may be damaged due to weather conditions or may be a subject of exploitation due to usage of the object. Some examples ? Ventilation and air-conditioning systems located in the building.

The review of the building’s infrastructure also requires to check the condition of the external parts of the building such as balustrades, balconies, cornices, but also non-fixed elements, such as advertisements or banners. Another system that requires checking is a central heating installation and a thermal water system. In accordance with the requirements of the Act, it is also necessary to check the fire protection system of a building.

Some kind of convenience for owners and administrators is a fact that an overview of building’s infrastructure doesn’t have to be done every 365 days. The act clearly says that it is enough to do it once for a calendar year. Once every five years, we have to do an electrical installation test and a lightning protection system.
You should personally check if people who are performing a service in your building have all the required qualifications and certificates. There are many scammers on the market who have fake certificates and you should keep that in mind.

What are consequences for managers and owners who will not have valid overview of their building? Penalties start with a fine (equal to even a 100 daily rates), imprisonment or even deprivation of liberty for up to one year.

As you can see, the building infrastructure review, which is not valid, may expose property owners or managers to serious consequences. Keep this in mind while caring for the safety of yourself and those who use your premise or building. That’s why you should use service from specialists.

If you will have any questions, please contact us!


Phone +48 502 205 553


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Kamieniec 3
87-875 Topólka



+48 502 205 553



Kamieniec 3



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